So Reece has just started T-ball. Its way fun but as with all kids he is having to adjust to team sports.
This is how it is going so far, he can hit the ball but then where do you run?
Put him in outfield and he finds himself easily bored but thats okay as he knows how to stay entertained you should see some of the new dance moves he's made up out there. He could put some of the dancers off soul train in the 80's to shame.
It is coming along though he's getting the hang of it but until he does ,wow what great pictures!
Awwwwww! He's soo cute! Great picture. I can just imagine him and his dance moves too! ;) He's having fun and learning a little along the way. The best way to learn.
I've been visiting the Coombs site to stay updated on Lauren and decided to visit some of the links to familiar sounding blogs. I'm brand new to this blogging. Is it any different from message boards? other than it's your own? Anyway, I eventually found yours! You sure are brave to take on the other blog. How is that going?
Thanks I thought he was rather cute myself. :)
The other blog is going pretty well. Keith Walker is a real Anti-Mormon dude but we'll see what happens.
Hey tanya whats your blog address?
I don't know my blog address. lol I told you I'm new to the blogging thing. I had to register to be able to post on other's blogs. So I did that. I can see "where" to make my own blog, but I haven't done it yet. I'm still weighing the pros and cons of it. I'll let you know if I start one though.
I'm glad things are going ok with Keith. I just wanted to be sure that you know why he had you start a new blog for your conversation. Be careful. You're a smart lady. You can handle yourself.
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