Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Are you kidding me???

Okay, so I haven't yet decided who I will vote for in the November election since the candidate that I liked the most dropped out of the presidential race. I'm not to keen on any of the others so far but, I also haven't watched any recent debates.(I try but for the most part they bore me)

Here's the problem, today they had kids vote at school. Which is a great way to teach kids about the voting process.But at what point do teachers cross the line?
Mikylas' teacher told her class that Barack Obama is a racist.My reply was of course,are you kidding me?? She really said that to the entire class?
I'll be the first to say I know nothing about Barack Obama and he may or may not be racist however I will say that is a strong accusation to make to a classroom full of 5th graders. (Mikyla voted for Hilary Clinton after being given this information from her teacher)
I thought teachers were to teach our children fact not opinion. And no i'm not saying teachers are not entitled to an opinion but I think this opinion should have stayed out of the classroom.

Although it did give me the perfect opportunity to teach my children the importance of not basing their opinions off the opinions of others.That in making decisions they should always form their own opinions by learning about the subject or person for themselves.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

No way! I'm with you! 5th grade they start learning a little bit about slavery and things and in those discussions they're teaching them that racism is bad and then for a teacher to turn around and accuse a presidential candidate of racism?! Teachers and Subs, need to remember that what they say carries a HUGE weight with kids. They are role models. Whether they are good ones or not. I know several adults that didn't go to college because a teacher told them that they weren't college material, and now they wished they hadn't listened. Because now they realize that the teacher was wrong! I also can't stand it when they call kids, brats etc. There are other ways of asserting your authority or voicing your frustration, without using such language. I'm a sub. so I can speak from experience. Is it just this one teacher or is Zoey's teacher having the same type of problems? Maybe a chat with the teacher is in order.